Positive journalism depends on you

Support Positive Journalism with Positive News Foundation
Journalism that helps you understand the world better.

Imagine a world where the news is a force for good, shedding light on solutions, inspiring change, and bringing hope. This is the mission of Positive News Foundation, and we need your support to make it happen. By donating just $4.99 per month, or more, you can be a part of this transformative movement.

Our Vision
For years, Positive News has been a beacon of positive news distrbution, committed to highlighting the good in the world and fostering a sense of possibility. With the Positive News Foundation, we aim to expand our impact and bring deep, meaningful journalism to a wider audience.

Our foundation allows us to undertake projects that are too risky or not financially viable for a commercial entity. With your support, we can:

  • Create Awareness Campaigns: Spread important messages far and wide, such as the effects of good governship and local solutions to mondial problems.
  • Influence Policy: Use our findings to inform and influence policymakers, driving real change based on our postive discoveries.
  • Innovate and Collaborate: Develop new storytelling techniques, ensure accessibility, and create open-source databases that benefit everyone.
  • Educate and Inform: Produce educational materials based on our good news, helping to shape the next generation of informed and engaged citizens.

What Your Support Means
With a foundation, we can make a bigger impact. Here are a few ways your contribution can help:

  • Reach More People: We can distribute our findings and stories to a broader audience, ensuring everyone has access to good news.
  • Fund Ambitious Projects: From positive journalism to large-scale awareness campaigns, your donations make it possible.
  • Maintain Independence: Our foundation will be guided by principles that ensure editorial independence, free from the influence of donors.

Join Us
By becoming a monthly donor, you’ll be directly supporting journalism that makes a difference. Your contribution of $4.99 per month (or more) will help us:

  • Realize groundbreaking projects
  • Collaborate with other positive news publishers
  • Engage with and educate the public

We achieves ANBI status in January 2022, which means your donations could be tax-deductible and exempt from gift and inheritance tax.

Let’s Make a Difference Together
Positive News Foundation is poised to take positive journalism to new heights. With your support, we can drive societal progress, one story at a time.

Donate now and be a part of something bigger.

Or transfer your donation anonymously to

Bank number IBAN: NL93 TRIO 0320 4381 55

BANK ADDRESS: Triodos Bank NV, Utrechtseweg 60 Zeist, The Netherlands

Positive News Foundation
World Trade Center The Hague
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33
NL – 2595AM The Hague, Netherlands (Europe)


Join us in championing the cause of positive journalism. Together, we can create a brighter, more optimistic world.