Get involved

Work with us, and together we shape a positive future. How will you help spread #TheNewsWeWant?


First, sign up for our weekly email newsletter
The Sunday Paper


Volunteer for global positive news. Discover online volunteer opportunities, no matter where you are located in the world. Ranging from 2 – 20h per week. Check out the current volunteer opportunities.



Our ambassadors are the voice of positive news. They share uplifting news and support our brand, but more importantly, they share our passion for #TheNewsWeWant. Click here for more information >



Supporting the PNF with patronage means you are helping to safeguard positive news publishers around the world and help PNF with long-term sustainability. Learn more >


Other ways to give

In addition to the above, there are several other ways to give that help you and the PNF get the most out of your donation.



If you enjoy reading good news, you can now buy us a coffee as a thank you, as often as you like. Click here to learn more >


By organizing a fundraising event, you will be supporting positive news worldwide. Let us know about your project >


Remembering the PNF in your will is really easy to do, and is one of the most wonderful ways you can leave a positive legacy.


Partner with us

We want to team up with publishers, businesses, governments and philanthropic organizations to help promote positive news. Working together benefits everyone: we can adapt more easily to change, see complex risks more clearly and invest our resources more wisely.

Contact the Positive News Foundation

Got a question about how to donate, tax deductions or other ways to support us?